I have written and rewritten this so many times throughout February because the energy is so wild. I’ve decided to honour the rules of Dla Hlaw Than and my late padrino Antonio and just tell you my interpretations even though it seems like a crazy mess to me. The energy of 10/1 brings sudden…
Like ‘em, don’t like ‘em, I don’t care – but this is an area where I feel like getting involved. I’ve been an aromatherapist for as long as I’ve been an esthetician, which is longer than most people on Tiktok have been alive. Over the days since Uncle Birch made his video joking about…
Well fuck me gently with a shovel. I woke up to a frozen-arse wonderland. This would be pretty except that I have clients coming. It has taken me about an hour to clear the ice out of maybe a quarter of the driveway. I got the walk done but that doesn’t do much good…
I don’t know about you but my TikTok algorithm has been all sorts of fucked up and strange. It started out with doomsday Christians, morphed into obscure strangeness that looked like Henrik Ibsen had a colourblind baby with an artsy fartsy videographer, and then settled into disturbing and unsettling maybe-it’s-abuse? I don’t know, man.…
This is the link that takes you to the doc. I’m too lazy to copy/paste today. Your life path calculation is here
There is a lot of woo surrounding buying a Tarot deck. You may have heard some of this before, on TikTok or another social media platform. It must be given to you. Oh. Dear. Gods. Buy your own deck. There are so many on the market that you should take your time and get…
You’ll want to know this if you want to make sense of the monthly Numeroscopes 😊 Life path Calculation The life path shows what lessons you are here to learn, but also how you react to things. Write out you full date of birth. We’ll use my neighbour as an example: 07 15 1943…
November was a 17/8 month but these are two different 8s. January’s 8 is considered to be a “pure number” in numerology because there is no compound before it. It’s just 8, plain and simple. During a pure 8 month power structures, boundaries, and ambition are highlighted. Now an 8 month within a 7…
First, let’s look at the Tarot: Judgement and The High Priestess set the tone for the first century of the 2000s. Why is that? Because it’s the 2000s. 2+0+0+0=2, folks It’s the High Priestess with a whole lot of 0s, which equal a craptonne of upheaval. But we see and say our calendar years…
I haven’t been on TikTok to make a video in about a month. I don’t hate TikTok, but between moving my esthetics business home and setting that up, and creating content for the Patreon I’ll launch in January, I just haven’t been in a video-making mood. In October I started a new bottle of…