
Charts, charts, charts!

Tarot-Numerology Core Chart: 150USD Email Reading

This is a core chart that includes the client’s

  • Cornerstone
  • Life Lesson
  • Expression
  • Heart
  • Destiny
  • Birthdate breakdown
  • Personal year information
  • 12 month personal year forecast
  • Any questions you might have for the Tarot

This is similar to an astrological birth chart and gets quite involved. Tarot is used for charting because the cards add greater depth to the personality delineation and because they’re a great visual aid! I use Tarot as a metaphor for Numerology because Tarot cards are like numerological and astrological flash cards. 

Tarot-Numerology Personal Year: 100USD Email Reading

This is a month by month look at the client’s personal year. The personal year runs from birthday to birthday, unlike the calendar year. This reading covers: Personal Year, Triad, and Personal Month Numbers for the twelve months of your personal year as well as important dates. 

Name Change Reading: 150USD Email Reading 

Are you going through a legal name change? How exciting! I can compare and contrast your former name and new name to show you what energy you are closing out and what you will be taking on. I’ll look at your Cornerstone, Expression, Heart, and Destiny. As always, Tarot cards are used to provide added depth and a visual rendering of numbers. 

Location Numerology: 100USD Email Reading 

Are you considering a move? Perhaps you’re nosy about where you are now. Perhaps you feel like there might be some pattern to previous addresses. Using location numerology I can cast a chart that shows how you respond to the energies of a certain place. I’ll look at both the light and shadows aspects of the place/s under consideration, how these energies interact with your core chart, and how to introduce secondary influences to mitigate tension in the chart. 


Please contact me at to talk more  


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