
  • I’m busy importing old blogs.

    I’ll be installing redirect plugins to my old blogs and combining everything into one. I’d rather just have one personal blog for everything. It’s less confusing that way. I know most of my readers are crocheters and maybe not into Tarot, art, herbalism, or anything else that I do but I’m trying to streamline…

  • The Empress Check-in

    This is a reading done for myself, from Leeza Robertson’s book, “Tarot Court Cards For Beginners”. It views the four queens of the Tarot court as facets of The Empress. It makes an ideal “check in” reading, for those wanting to take a self-assessing look inward.  The Empress and four queens are removed from…

  • Tarot and Suicidal Clients

    If that title isn’t a trigger warning then I don’t know what is.  I like to do a little ramble in my blog posts because “Your frank friend having coffee” is my blogging voice. I’m skipping the pleasantries today. I’ve noticed a trend this year.  As 2020 progresses and we become hip deep in…

  • The Great Fuckening of 2020: A Reading for the Collective

      Reading for the collective.  I usually share these on Instagram but I had way too much to say!  This would have been out a lot sooner but I tried to multitask and do this while I was doing my roots and there were…issues….some complications…..nothing that a box of 3N won’t fix!  Anyone who…

  • 21 Days of Abundance (Deepak Chopra)

    So I finished the 21 Days of Abundance program. I’ll be honest, I did it at first because my friend was making a group and I wanted to be nice and support her. I’ve always been suspicious of this stuff because I associate New Age activities with things like spiritual bypassing, companies that sell…

  • So my readings have been on the stabby side lately

    So my personal readings have been a little stabby lately. Every deck has been giving me swords. For every question.  Life direction? Swords  Lockdown/immigration questions? Swords Takeout or leftovers? Swords The future of anything? Swords plus Death.  I even pulled out my cheerful, chipper Hallowe’en Tarot because it’s cute and happy. Swords, Death, Tower.…

  • Thursday ramblings, COVID-19 numerology

    Mmmm dark roast.  I’m late to the party because all the other numerologists wrote their COVID-19 posts in March and April. I’ll be honest, even though I’m a numerologist, breaking this down by the numbers was the last thing on my mind. I was preoccupied with mocking the toilet paper hoarders in my midst,…

  • Wednesday’s ramble: August, The Hierophant, and readings that stick out.

    So August is nearly upon us. It’s funny how time flies when you’re underemployed. My industry took a beating because of COVID-19. I don’t think the beauty industry will ever be the same. So, I’m doing like all the other divination woke folk are doing. I’m looking for anything. Well, a lot of us…

  • Monday ramble, COVID-19, The Tower, The Chariot, and The Lovers

    This is me rambling. If I was feeling fancy, I’d call it a stream of consciousness session. If I was old school, I’d call it automatic writing. I am feeling neither fancy nor old school, having just run my coffee machine sans coffee mug. That’s a sound that made me forget that I have…

  • The Fool People

    These folks are the Mr. McGoos of the world. They’re full of faith, trust, and naïveté. They step out into the world everyday, blind to many things, believing that all will just be OK, because…well….why wouldn’t it be?  These are the people who believe there’s a plan for them. They just go along with…