I haven’t done a numerology report for each month like I used to do in years past for several months. I stopped in April because life happened and I had other things to do. I still look at what is happening in the world, I just haven’t written about it in ages. I was looking at individual days in November and when I saw what the 4th is going to look like I thought I would sit down and write up a blog post or two. Make some tea and a sandwich and strap in because I am going to play catch-up in one post.
Just remember:
- Universal energy is just that. Universal. It’s not personal energy. For that, I would need your chart.
- You can have a great day even if the universal energy is sucky. You can have a shitty day when the universal energy is great.
- If it upsets you, stop reading, back away from your phone, and go do something else. No one is making you doomscroll.
November is an 11 universal month. It is happening in a 7 universal year.
So what does that mean?
The broader themes this year are those of 7/Ketu. To understand these themes it is necessary to know what sign Ketu is in during 2023. For most of this year Ketu was in Libra. The background noise of the universal 7 year dealt with:
- Catastrophes
- Epidemics
- War and violence
- Sudden events
- Secret Plots
- Accidents on display
- Sudden success or failure
- Short tempers
- Dependence on family or friends
- Developing people skills
- A clawing pathological desire for work/life balance
- Presenting details of secret dealings to the public. Virgo is not a comfortable place for Ketu because Virgo likes detail, transparency, and order. Ketu deals in secrets and it will be more difficult for secrets to be kept from now until the end of this year. Next year will be a universal 8 year and the collective focus will shift accordingly to the activity of 8/Saturn as the dominant background force. Ketu will still be there squirming and fidgeting in Virgo, there just won’t be a spotlight on the dragon’s tail.
- The desire to organize and rearrange systems will be supported.
- Pointing out flaws in everything.
- Disruptions in established structures relating to health care.
- Extra demand will be placed on human service professionals, but opportunities for the human service field to shine and be recognized will also be supported.
- Be prepared for unexpected career changes that will feel disturbing or unsettling in the moment. They will likely prove to be for the best.
- The energy will support decreased emotional attachment to the outcome of things and more ease in making challenging decisions.
- Deep secrets
- Mass media
- Mob mentality
- Censorship
- Gang activity
- Terrorism
- Atomic/Nuclear energy
- Power exchanges
- The fine print and loopholes
- Major changes in global policy and institutions
- Changes in how we structure our lives, including governments, banking, the workplace, right on down to household budgets and shift changes.
- Lessons about who holds true power and who has ceremonial powers
- The connection between power and responsibility
- Reminders that our choices have consequences and that every action naturally causes a reaction
- Physical destruction
- Volcanic upheaval
- Sudden chaos, power trips, and political instability.
- Extreme and over-the-top reactions to situations.
- Clinging to people, ideas, or objects that stir emotions – rage farming and trolling, manufactured outrage.
- Significant collective karmic reckoning.
- Feeling the need to address past history as we observe current events.
- Explosions of attention-seeking. Oh, the bitching. Oh, the Karening. Oh, the soliloquies that will be delivered to the manager.
- The positive side to the above-mentioned complaints is that some of us will experience major breakthroughs. Just remember that the truth will set you free, but not before first pissing you off.
- Protests and sudden, radical changes to society.
- Acts of violence, war, or terrorism that are treated like a sacrifice to a deity.
- A deep catharsis/reaction that forces us to confront some seriously dark subject matter so that we can collectively transform our world. This Friday is a universal 21/3 and Saturday is a 22 so it could be an event that starts on Friday. The energy of 21 aligns with closing out one chapter and opening a whole new book. 3 corresponds to Jupiter, expansion, and issues concerning religion and morality, but 21 has ties to Saturn via the Tarot and Saturn goes direct on Saturday….so even though the universal numbers are not 8s and not about Saturn specifically, Saturn is there lurking in the shadows giving the pot a good old stir. Because 22 reduces to 4, 22 has a strong connection to 8 so whenever you look at 4s or any of the variations of 4, stop to check on what 8/Saturn is doing because it will be important.
- This could be a lot of things. It could be a natural event, a man-made environmental event, or something more symbolic. I catch myself wondering if this might be the moment when Al-aqsa becomes a specific target and I hope I’m wrong because that will make the horrible situation in Palestine so much worse.
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