And the challenges are OVER!

Not going to lie, this makes me a wee bit happy that the Tarot challenge is over.

I know that it was my choice to participate, and I did learn a lot about myself and let a lot go. It was a good experience but now I can get back to the business of not giving my cards the nervous side eye.

It’s also the last day of blogging along with Effy. THIS, I will miss.

Tomorrow I will start my social media diet. I fully expect to slip and fall, I do. I feel like I need to gorge on TikTok and get my fill of TheRealIndianDad, SalehFamily, #WitchTok, and #NativeTikTok before I take it off my phone.

I spent the winter working on Tarot reading/blogging. That was Plan A. I’ve earned enough to execute Plan B: next week I get to work on rebooting my crochet website with patterns for sale and online courses. I want to take advantage of Jupiter in Pisces.

And for Tarot tax, here’s my latest and last entry in the HeaingThruTarot April Tarot Challenge:

10 responses to “And the challenges are OVER!”

  1. reneegade67 Avatar
    1. maritimemystic Avatar
  2. elle Avatar
    1. maritimemystic Avatar
  3. Deb M Avatar
    Deb M
    1. maritimemystic Avatar
  4. Lora Amy Bright Avatar
  5. Effy Wild Avatar
    1. maritimemystic Avatar

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