I’ve been diddling on downsizing

The daily Tarot post for April is up, but I thought I’d share something else with those of you in Blog Along With Effy. Life is not all being chastised by my Tarot deck. There is social media and building a presence to agonize over, too! 😁

So I have three Instagram accounts. Three blogs. One Facebook with a personal account plus a Tarot page, an art page, and a crochet page. I hate it. Nothing really gets my full attention.

And now people are telling me I should start making TikToks. And YouTube videos. Sweet thundering Jesus – what colour is the moon on their planet?

geralt via Pixabay

If I combined all the blogs, it would be so much easier for me but I’m paralyzed to do it. My blogs are: crocheted socks, Tunisian crochet, and here. I’ve noticed on Instagram that whenever I posted about Tarot, I lost crochet followers. And the followers on my crochet blogs do not like anything but crochet. So I made a Tarot account. Then I got right back into art. As my Tarot account became an art account, I opened up another Tarot account. Ye gods. Oh ye gods.

I don’t think I can combine Instagram accounts but I know I can combine Facebook pages. I’m tempted to hit that GO FOR IT button on my dashboard. I also know that I can import my other blogs into this one and throw some redirect plugins on them. In fact, I started doing that and stopped a couple of months ago. I don’t even remember why I stopped but I’m pretty sure my Capricorn moon had a very long List of Important Reasons Why This Shall Not Happen.

So why am I not doing that?

geralt via Pixabay

And then there’s the urge to kill my Facebook pages entirely. My art page has two whole likes and I really don’t care to build it up. My Tarot page has over two hundred but no one engages. I’m not sure how I showed up to these people as a page to like but I did and they liked me and that’s that. Never to be engaged with again lol. It’s like making out in the parking lot with a stranger and then heading back into the bar alone for more shots.

I have a MeWe account that gathers dust because everyone bitches about Facebook, but let’s be honest; none of us are ever going to leave.

I remind myself that I no longer earn a living from any of this, so does it really matter? Then I remind myself that I’d like to earn a living from it again so yes, it does matter.

Then I look back at the cards I’ve pulled the last few days during this Tarot challenge and I feel like saying, “F*ck you Tarot, f*ck you for being so right.”

I think I’ll just head out to the backyard with my beer for a little after dark primal screaming. 😁

6 responses to “I’ve been diddling on downsizing”

  1. Estelle Avatar
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  3. lavenderlightworker Avatar
  4. christal Avatar
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