What is Numerology

Numerology is the esoteric study of numbers. It is most commonly used in the West as a form of personality delineation. A chart of values is created based on the date of birth and the name on the birth certificate. This chart can interpreted similarly to a natal chart in astrology and can also be progressed. Numerology is also used to examine dates, events, and words for mystical or predictive significance. It can also be used in various ways in magical practise. Many cultures around the globe have assigned mystical significance to numbers and mathematics. There was a time when mathematics was both sacred and scientific. The ancient metaphysicians were scientists AND priests. Numerology as it is practised today in the West is attributed to the ancient teacher, Pythagoras.

What we practise today in the West is decidedly modern. The calculations revolve around a language and calendar that did not exist in the days of Pythagoras of Samos, about 2500 years ago.

Is Numerology a belief system?

No, it is not. It is a set of calculations with corresponding interpretations. Numerology is a practice. Its existence and its ability to produce results does not require you to believe in it. Like astrology, each calculation produces a result that can be interpreted using an existing body of work.

Why do I use Chaldean numerology and not Pythagorean?

Pythagorean numerology uses letter values. The Chaldean uses sounds. A common criticism of the Chaldean system by Pythagorean numerologists is that the Chaldean system doesn’t use the number 9 in its letter-number key. This is true also of the Vedic system. Both of these cultures felt that 9 was too sacred for letters. 

Another criticism is that there is no order in the assignment of numerical values to letters, thus making it confusing. The Pythagorean system assigns value based on order, so it goes A B C D E F G H I…1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and then the cycle repeats until one runs out of letters. The Chaldean and Vedic systems assign numerical values to letters differently.  It assigns value of letters based on sound. While it does mean that the numerologist will have a little bit of memorization to do, it means that other languages whose writing isn’t based on the Latin alphabet are not excluded. When you work with phonetic sounds it doesn’t matter how a word is spelled. 

The system that I use in sound readings does include the number 9 because it does not have a standard letter = number system. The standard Chaldean letter/number scale is different than the Pythagorean, but many practitioners in English speaking countries still focus on the spelling and not the sound. The method that I use has, for example, several different values for the “i sound” depending on how it is said within a word. 

The interesting thing about this, is when you shift your focus from the spelling to the sound, words become alive. They change depending on who is speaking them. Core charts become dynamic, evolving works-in-progress because how someone says their name changes over time. Where they place their stresses change. They have changed and this is how it should be. Our charts should not be static and unchanging. It’s incredible to listen to clients and realize that within their speech, I can tell how they really see themselves and what they really want in life. It’s just amazing. 

Do you do readings?

I do. I can be contacted for readings by emailing nicole@thenumerologylady.com