
  • July 7th esoteric weather report for the Threadiverse

    2023 reduces to 7  July is the 7th month The 7th is…well…7 It’s a 777 day! Well….yes but no. There are a lot of 7s today and we love 7 here at the ranch.  7 corresponds to Ketu. While our little thready threads are ALWAYS tangled together some of those connections may feel more…

  • Celebrity Birth Charts

    A few things are emerging this year in my hunt for celebrity birth charts for Patreon: Many of them – a huge amount, actually – have 11 life paths. The 38 and 29 emanations are the most common. Are there other life paths? Certainly there are, but I’ve come to realize that for whatever…

  • The White Lady Life Coach: Tarot card personality combos as seen on social media, part 3

    These women started to emerge in the 90s, driven onwards by the great gush of oracle cards and the publishers who pushed them. You know the type, white, conventionally pretty, waterfall wave hair extensions, might be a vegan, definitely eats the trendy superfood, and has a system of completely superficial New Age crap that…

  • May’s Numerology

    Update: the podcast will be late. There’s been some family activity to attend to and it’s been rather busy here at the ranch. The numeroscopes have not been done  but they will appear over the next few days. I can’t do any of the monthly forecasting too too soon because making predictions like this…

  • Tarot card personality combos as seen on social media, part 2: The Girl Boss

    Princess of Wands & 10 of Pentacles The Princess of Wands The Girl Boss is generally a very sweet, friendly young woman. Perky and cheerful, she’s TikTok dancing and unboxing her way into your heart and wallet. Whether it’s an affiliate link to the best! collagen! ever! or a DIY body scrub, she’s got…

  • The Master Spread: A Blog Series

    I want to explore the Master Spread and share my insights with everyone. These posts will be long so make a sandwich when you read them. The Master Spread is a majors only Tarot spread designed by Patricia McLaine. In 1991 she published a book through Llewelyn called “The Wheel of Destiny” which detailed…

  • Tarot Tips For Beginners

    I teach Numerology using Tarot and so I teach Tarot using Numerology. A lot of people are intimidated by Tarot decks when they first investigate them. After all, they’re a busy bunch of cards. There’s a lot to look at on each Tarot card and sometimes our intuitive mind gets too many hits at once.…

  • Tarot card personality combos as seen on social media: The Super Martyr

    2 of Swords with 10 of Wands Also known as “So Woke It Hurts” Instead of asking for a card of the day while I enjoy my morning coffee, I have  started asking my Tarot cards to show me how the various personalities that we come across on social media can manifest as card…

  • The Queen of Swords

    Of all the court cards, the Queen of Swords is probably the most difficult to reconcile. She flies in the face of how we view womanhood. Women are supposed to be sexy or nurturing, easy on the eyes, free-spirited manic pixies, or Pinterest perfect homemakers. At the end of the day they’re also all supposed to be…

  • Why Twin Flame Readings Can Be Problematic

    Have you heard of the term “twin flame” before? It’s a popular concept in the spiritual and New Age community that refers to the idea that there is one specific person out there who is your perfect match and soulmate. Some people even claim to offer “twin flame” readings, where they can supposedly help…