
  • Tuesday Rambling & a friend has a question

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  • Personification of Tarot Decks

     (This post contains affiliate links) So I was sitting here on the back deck drinking wine and crocheting, when I decided to take a break from the yarn and check my email. There was a blog post about Tarot deck personification in there from Benebell Wen. If you’re into Tarot and you don’t subscribe to her,…

  • August has been a weird, weird month!!

    My personal month number for August is a 28/1. This is a number pattern that relates to sudden shifts, plots twists, and changes of mind and heart.  The metaphysicians are not immune to transit energy Astrologers and numerologists are usually the ones reporting on this stuff, and very few will ever comment on how…

  • Migrating another blog, one post at a time

    Sadly, Shopify and WordPress don’t play nicely together when it comes to importing a blog. It only took three years and a pile of domains to determine that I really like blogging here. Shopify is very nice but it’s pricey and I don’t have the mass following that would justify continuing to spend money…

  • Here's what you can do when a Tarot reading doesn't make sense

    Sometimes a reading is just too much.  This was the case last night when my wife and I decided that I would use the cards to have a looky-look into something that involved and concerned us. I asked the question and cut the cards. I decided to go old school and do a Celtic…

  • Today’s Numerological Weather: I’ll do it but I won’t like it

    It’s a 44 universal day today. As a multiple of 11, this is master energy and so things may feel a little more tightly wound than usual or people may be more demanding of your time. We’ll live.44 relates to the 4 of Cups and today it is expressed through Jack/Page of Swords   The…

  • Today’s Numerological Weather: Emotional, with bursts of “You’re not the boss of me!”

    Today’s universal numerology, depending on how you add your numbers, is going to be either 40/4 (Page of Cups) or 22 (The Fool). According to my Tarot cards, this is expressed through 37/1, better known as the King of Cups. Today I’m going with The Fool. The Page of Cups is just a minor…

  • Common Numerology Misconceptions: Unraveling the Mystique of the Numbers

    Chat GPT helped me write this post. It’s fun to use but it still reads a little strangely! Numerology is a fascinating ancient practice that has intrigued humanity for centuries. It’s the belief that numbers hold deep meaning and can unveil insights into our personalities, relationships, and even our destinies. However, amidst the allure…

  • 23/5 Reading for the Threadiverse: follow your passion

    So today is a 23/5 day within a 14/5 karmic month within a 7/Ketu year. I like 23. It’s my life path number. My son was born on the 23rd. The Tarot correspondence is the King of Wands. Astrologically, 23 has ties to the constellation of Leo and Royal Star Regulus. It reduces to…

  • Reading for the Threadiverse

    Are you tired? I am. Once again circumstances have found me up at dawn’s crack, functioning on next to no sleep. So, I am trying to make the best of it by taking advantage of the extra hours to do this, work on my numerology book, and to start blogging again. It’s called making the best…