
  • All about you with Tarot cards: Part Two

    To view this content, you must be a member of Nicole’s Patreon at $10 or more Unlock with PatreonAlready a qualifying Patreon member? Refresh to access this content.

  • All about you with Tarot cards: Part One

    To view this content, you must be a member of Nicole’s Patreon at $10 or more Unlock with PatreonAlready a qualifying Patreon member? Refresh to access this content.

  • If my head wasn’t bolted to my shoulders…

    It is that kind of a day. Forget day. it’s been that kind of last two weeks! I forgot to share my 2024 Numerology. I have been trying to make it a download in my shop and then I wanted to make it free, but I couldn’t do both at once so here is…

  • That time Disney explained the mysteries of the pentagram

    Ever wonder WHY we’ve been conditioned to fear the pentagram? Ever wonder why some folks, like the Celts, revered apples? Well, if you cut an apple in half you will see that its core is laid out in a pentagram. Being tempted with an apple as the fruit of all knowledge makes more sense…

  • How to figure out your personal numbers

    To view this content, you must be a member of Nicole’s Patreon at $10 or more Unlock with PatreonAlready a qualifying Patreon member? Refresh to access this content.

  • Fun With Numbers – The Year You Were Born!

    Everything in numerology revolves around the number 9 and 9-year cycles. Numbers that are not personal to you are called universal numbers. They apply to everyone. Most people who are into numerology have an idea of what their core numbers are: Life Path, Expression, Heart, and so on. It’s important to remember that we…

  • How to figure out your personal numbers

    I stopped the podcast for a while because life happened but now it is time to start talking about things again.  Here are some formulas for you to use to figure out how the energy applies to you: 1. Write down your full date of birth. You’ll need this. Let’s use a fictitious DOB…

  • Is 10 Ruled By Eris?

    I have heard over the years that the number ten is ruled by the Sun. If you use Tarot as I do, then ten is the Wheel Of Fortune and that card is seen by some as being ruled by Saturn. Or Uranus. Or Pluto. It’s going to depend on which deck you are…

  • The Numerology of November 4, 2023

    I haven’t done a numerology report for each month like I used to do in years past for several months. I stopped in April because life happened and I had other things to do. I still look at what is happening in the world, I just haven’t written about it in ages. I was…

  • Your Numerology Is Not Morther Specialer Than Anyone Else's

    There is some posturing in the numerology community over who is doing “real” numerology or not. I don’t have time for it. If your math is correct and your interpretations are accurate then your numerology is fine. If you like Chaldean, great. If you like Pythagorean, great. If you like Vedic, great. You get…