The Ace of Cups New connections New feelings Intimacy and a sense of mystery Devotion to something beyond oneself Ah, the Ace of Cups! Surely it means that you’re about to fall in love, right? Maybe, but it does mean so much more. This is one of those cards that gets pigeon-holed by most…
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll know that President Joe Biden announced earlier this week on Sunday that he would not be running for office in the upcoming November elections. This announcement was received with shock-not shocked as many of us in the USA, Republican and Democrat alike, felt that he was…
I am continuing my exploration of mundane numerology by examining an event that has just occurred. A few days ago, a huge storm swept through my area. I got through it just fine with only a downed internet line to worry about, which was fixed this morning. The city of Rome, NY, did not…
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At 2:30 am this morning I was yanked from my beloved slumber by the lilting sound of loud machinery wailing in the night. I raced out to the kitchen thinking it was the cat’s water fountain. As I was racing half asleep to the kitchen it dawned on me that I had filled their…
(This post contains an affiliate link) Often, when I’m reading at events I need a Tarot spread that not only engages the client but is quick and concise as well: enter the numerology Tarot spread. It is a month-by-month look at what lies ahead. It’s one of my favorite Tarot spreads to do at…
I. So this evening I disabled the Jetpack subscriptions. I don’t think anyone subscribed, save for my accountability buddy at ThINCubator. I will have to message her on Slack. *Mental note to me* II. I’ll stick to Zoho. It’s easier and I don’t need an emotional support Cinnabon when it’s over which is good…
I. We had to do this for homework – core values. I wrote them down last Wednesday and thought about them again today. I do not wish to change them. My core values are clarity, consistency, forward-thinking, humor, and determination. Yes, integrity…..yes love…blah blah…..all that other stuff. II. My Beltane newsletter is ready! I…
It’s homework time again! Last week my homework involved getting an email list together and it felt like such a BIG! DEAL! This afternoon I sat and did it in Zoho. Ten minutes later it was done. Fussing with the pop-up to collect signatures is a whole other story so tomorrow I’m going to…
Regardless of what system of astrology you practice, Jupiter will be forming a conjunction with Uranus overhead, on the 20th of this month. The Tropical conjunction will be in Taurus, the Sidereal will be in Aries. Either way it’ll be interesting. But here, we look at the numbers because the numbers don’t care what…