
  • The Strength People

    Here are the survivors and thrivers of Ten’s chaos. You can not keep these people down. After the shit has hit the fan, these are the people who pick up the pieces and rebuild. They’re an intensification of Two’s energy.  They’ve mastered the art of following their instincts, which is why they’re survivors. Often,…

  • The Wheel of Fortune People

    These are the folks who do their thing and go. They’re the transients in our lives, here for a good time not a long time. They set things in motion. Ten is an intensification of One. These people are often catalysts or initiators of great things. I liken the energy of Ten to a…

  • The Hermit People

    These are the keepers of wise council. Nine Is a number that contains all other numbers within it. Within these people are all the experiences of the number spectrum. Hermit people have an awareness of everything around them.  These are the folks who know all the stories, all the histories, and all the dirt.…

  • The Justice People

    Justice people are the folks who step in to make order emerge from chaos. They are highly intelligent, and unlike the other even numbers, they have perfected their poker faces. Their emotional attachments are all reigned in.  They bring balance and order. Because justice and fairness is not the 50/50 balance of The Lovers…

  • The Chariot People

    These are the people who crack the whip. They both facilitate and direct the changes around them. This is the person you want to have heading any project about change. They are the extroverted introverts. They are less impulsive than earlier odd numbered cards.  Chariot people manage themselves and others well. The Chariot’s astrological…

  • The Lovers People

    These are people that like to collaborate with others. They love cooperative efforts and are superb team players. They have a knack for bringing the right people together at the right time.  The Lovers people often walk the middle road and are lovers of harmony, balance, and fairness. These are non confrontational people who…

  • The Hierophant People

    This is a person who has lived much. Hierophant people have had many interesting experiences. They possess a vast knowledge base. They love to share. They’re more than happy to give their time to teach all who come to them.  More extroverted than the High Priestess, they have no problem communicating an opinion regardless…

  • The Emperor People

    The Emperor is a powerful, controlling force to be reckoned with. This is the manager that people tiptoe around. This person is successful, knowledgeable, blunt, and can read people like a book. The approval of an Emperor person is conditional.  This is the traditional “Father Knows Best” energy. Where The Empress will tenderly bandage…

  • The Empress People

    This is a person who is nurturing, supportive, and parental. Empress people make us feel safe. They express many of the qualities we would call “maternal”. These are the comforting people who kiss our booboos and provide unconditional love – “mother’s love”.  People represented by this card will show up when you need them.…

  • The High Priestess People

    This is a person who is highly intuitive and psychic. High Priestess people have an inner knowing about things, but don’t offer up their knowledge voluntarily.  They have the ability to relate well with others and form deep connections. Their boundaries tend to be flexible and they are open to receiving new information. Heart…