
  • Which area of my life requires more self awareness?

    Santeria Santera. Queen of Pentacles This is the second card in a row that shows a swampy, marshy environment. In the last card the woman was at the edge of this area but in this card she’s in the heart of the swamp/bayou. She’s naked now, she’s left her things behind as she’s ventured…

  • What is holding me back from thriving?

    9 Congo (9 of Cups) Madame La Lune Madame La Lune grants use of the Magick Mirror. The mirror is simply stable water, catching and holding a reflection. All waters, stable and unstable, seen and unseen, physical and astral, are an extension of her. Like the other 9s, Madame La Lune transports energy. The…

  • What goal do I need to recommit to?

    Day 3 of HealingThruTarot and Blogging With Effy Dr. John Dr. John is an important figure in New Orleans Voodoo. The original Dr. John was an African drummer in the early 1800s. Since then others have channeled the good doctor, drumming messages into existence, creating a link to the spirit world. Drummers occupy a…

  • What truth needs to be expressed?

    HealingThruTarot’s April Challenge Day Two & Blogging with Effy 9 Rada The Masa, the celestial mediators, spin the fibers to create the star web that connects the worlds. The Masa are connection. Spirits of air, they whisper secrets to those who listen. The power they carry is not theirs to use but it is…

  • How am I fooling myself?

    Healingthrutarot is having an April Tarot Challenge and this is the first prompt. I’m not sure how many I’ll do but I’m trying for every blessed one of them. I’m using my copy of The New Orleans Voodoo Tarot. For nearly 30 years it’s been my go to Tarot deck, especially for personal work.…

  • Hooking Along

    Interesting things have been happening. I recently had my diagnosis of chronic rhinitis changed, to a severe dust mite allergy with allergy and exercise induced asthma. When the lockdowns started and we spent all our time inside, I started to get “croupy” on a regular basis. I’d always been “snotty” but it was never…

  • I have a great studio in the basement….

    In fact, I have the *whole* basement at my disposal. It’s a good 800 sq ft of MY SPACE. MINE. Art. Tarot. Magic. An entire wide open space just for me. I have dreamed about this moment my entire adult life. Which is why I trucked all my oil pastels upstairs and I’m arting…

  • 2020’s Top 9 Art Posts

    Everyone is compiling their #Top9Art2020, so why not be a joiner. I laughed as soon as I put it up on my Instagram art account. It’s literally the only art I did ALL YEAR. I had so many plans for my artwork this year and it just sort of never happened. Staring off into…

  • 21 Tarot Questions

    Jack Of Wands blogged these questions and I figured why not give them a whirl. 2020 has been a sucky year and he is correct – we need to set our minds toward 2021 and some positivity. The astrology and numerology for next year supports better times ahead, and a less gloomy but still…

  • It’s a COVID Christmas time

    I have zero holiday woo woo this year. I didn’t start out that way. I was feeling pretty optimistic about my holiday plans, hoping to get in some socially distanced time with in-laws and friends. Then I got COVID-19. They very day I crossed the border. My wife got the funky covidtina at American…