6 Petro (6 of Wands) expressed through 4 Santeria (4 of Pentacles) Ye gods, Legba La Flambeau is back. It’s like he’s saying “You can’t get rid of me….” He is expressed through Obatala. Obatala is an orisha of Santeria. The creators of this deck assigned all things earth to Santeria as recognition of…
Carnival/Master of the Head (The World/The Hierophant) I drew the same card two days in a row. Because I am who I am, when that happens a lot like it’s happening now, I look at the card. Are you bent? No. Are you rough on the edges? No. If I put you in the…
Carnival (The World) I did work this for a client this morning and this card came up for her, as the undercurrent of her reading. It made me stop and pause because regardless of the deck I use, The World is coming up over and over. And here it comes up for me now.…
6 Petro expressed through Hounsis Rada. 6 of Wands expressed through the Princess of Swords Not going to lie, when I turned up Legba a second time, I talked back to my Tarot cards. “What the hell are you doing here twice?” So I pulled a clarifying card. Hounsis means “spirit wife”. They are…
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Every now and then I do some actual cooking in the kitchen. Between cutting the cards, tying knots, and pouring all the tea, meals do get made. When the going gets tough, the tough layer over their jangled energy with baking. With HEALTHY baking. This is my favourite cookie recipe. I’m rather big on…
6 Petro (6 of Wands) Legba La Flambeau Legba La Flambeau as the new sun rises and lets his light shine. He is old because every “new sun” or “new day dawning” is the product of a natural process old beyond reckoning. He still revels in the newness of each day, as old as…
The daily Tarot post for April is up, but I thought I’d share something else with those of you in Blog Along With Effy. Life is not all being chastised by my Tarot deck. There is social media and building a presence to agonize over, too! 😁 So I have three Instagram accounts. Three…
7 Rada (7 of Swords) Erzulie Freda Dahomey The 7 of Swords seems like a strange card to describe what lights someone’s soul on fire, if you’re used to reading with a RWS style deck. This is one of those times that the image on the card is more important than it’s accepted book…