This is my third time trying to post this, lol, third time is the charm, right? I know I said I wouldn’t be doing this every day and here I am doing this two days in a row. Today is a universal 17/8 day. I know I also said yesterday things would be better…
June is a universal 12/3 month. That energy flows in the the background, underpinning everything. Today’s universal day energy is 16/7. Those born today will carry this energy with them forever in their life path vibration. Those celebrating a birthday today will begin their 16/7 personal year. Remember, this is universal energy. You may…
This is a test. I just want to see where this ends up on my home page and what it looks like. I just need to know that I got my WSIWYG right. Then I’ll start cranking stuff out for all y’all. This is a numerology blog. It’s a step away from my usual…
….and that day is covered by The Sun. It’s a day to be your own fairy godmother. Things will get pushed toward resolution today. That doesn’t mean they’ll be over today, but the sun lights a rather large candle under our collective butts so you might end up with singed arse hairs if you…
My social media diet has just been blown. I was so good for a week but then there was this problem that required me to put on my numerologist cape and fly into a friend’s comments section on tiktok and then the dust settled….and I had social media crumbs all over me….and I went…
I. I’m running a fever. I’m wrapped up in a blanket, on my living room chesterfield. I haven’t switched on the television in a few weeks, so I thought I’d watch some Prime. I watched a show hosted by David Paulides, about all the hunters and outdoorsmen who have gone missing in areas of…
I. It snowed this weekend. SNOW. 10/10 do not recommend snow on May 1st. II. My wife and I did some visiting this weekend. That was nice. That feels more like the “normal life” that I dimly remember. III. My social media diet is going well. It’s going so well, in fact, that I’m…
Not going to lie, this makes me a wee bit happy that the Tarot challenge is over. I know that it was my choice to participate, and I did learn a lot about myself and let a lot go. It was a good experience but now I can get back to the business of…
Its nearly 8pm. I am having coffee. I do not care how late it is. Let me tell you about my day. Well, let me just say “Some clients and their energy.” I did not need to be told that this client was anxious because their energy glommed onto me and I felt like…
Well! Feeling much more like myself after that lovely full moon in Scorpio. There was just the right amount of cloud in the sky when it appeared. I got some nice reference photos for future art projects that I’ll never get to 😁 Here is the Day 28 Tarot prompt. I’m anticipating the 30th…