Justin Trudeau Resigns

Subtitled: I need to get up earlier to stay on top of these things.

While I was tweaking this in the doctor’s office waiting room this morning as a prediction to be made, Justin and his people beat me to it and announced it during my allergy shot.

Damnit!!! Justin, you were supposed to let me know in advance when this was happening. I had a busy morning.

We all knew this was coming at some point this week, either today or tomorrow, but definitely before Wednesday. Originally, my post was going to discuss which of the two days was most likely, but I settled on today. So, even though I am late to the party by a little over an hour, I am going to share the numerology of this decision and why I chose it.

We need to look at two charts, Canada’s and Justin Trudeau’s because this decision affects the country as a whole and him as a person.

Justin Trudeau is running an 18/9 personal year. This personal year energy began for him on his most recent birthday, December 25. Yup, he’s a Christmas bébé. He is running a 16/7 Triad, a 30/3 personal month, and today is a 36/9 personal day for him.

Canada is running a 16/7 personal year. This personal year energy began for Canada on her most recent birthday, July 1. She is experiencing her second Triad of 11/2, a personal month of 17/8, and a personal day of 23/5.

So, in an 18/9 personal year, we wrap things up. Whatever ends during this cycle is likely not to be repeated. If it does come back for a second hurrah, it’ll likely be brief and get wrapped right the F up quickly. What does that mean? It means that this will likely never happen again for Mr. Trudeau. Given that he’s also in a 16/7 Triad – 16 is a Karmic number that The Tower in Tarot symbolizes, and 7 is ruled by Ketu (South Node) – he’s done living up to the family image. The Triad and Year energy are both powerful. I suspect that a lot of things are going to crumble away now, in earnest, because once you step forward and let the other shoe drop, that tends to be the cue the Universe needs to sweep away EVERYTHING that might be stuck to your leg, holding you back from the next portion of your life’s journey.

On his birthday this year, December 25, 2025, he will end the Power phase of his life and step into his Wisdom phase, but that’s a whole other set of numbers. For now, know that he is approaching the numerological equivalent of a Saturn Return, and it’s starting to show. I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets divorced and comes all the way out of the closet this year because he is running a 9 Triad for the second four-month block of time in his personal year, followed by a 26/8 Triad, which can be seen as being Karmic in nature. He will enter his Wisdom phase under a 19/1 Karmic year, so his life won’t stop being interesting, but it will probably be a lot more self-focused and less political.

His personal day energy today is 36/9. Another ending, but not just any ending. You know how much I love the Tarot, so if you’ve got a pictorial deck, pull it out and look at the 36th card, which happens to be the 10 of Wands. Not only are there ten new beginnings, but they’ve also got a little purse in the form of that 0. You can be sure there are hesitations whenever a 0 is attached to a 1. The tens in the minor arcana are all new beginnings because 1+0=1, but simultaneously, they are like hesitations because they aren’t fully 1. That 0 is like a drop of water quivering on the edge of the tap, hesitating, before the surface tension in the drop releases and the water falls down to the tap below, to be carried away by the plumbing out to the great wide world, to begin the cycle again. So what we see here is a personal day energy where “something’s gotta give.” If you look at the picture on the 10 of Wands, it exemplifies this sort of ending quite nicely: the man in the foreground is carrying a heavy load and home is in sight. He can put all those sticks down and walk home if he wants, or he can keep trudging like a soldier and suffer the rest of the way back to safety and happiness. It’s not a balanced load, and if he’s not careful, the Universe will come along. POOF! Problem solved, the sticks are on the ground, you’re free to go – NOW GIT ON OUTTA HERE!!!

Either way, he is set free.

I’ve also noticed that recently, the press has not been filtering the F out of his photos, so Justin is actually looking middle-aged these days, yoga or not. You know it’s bad when the press no longer photoshopping you to look like you’re in your 50s going on 37.

Enter Canada’s chart!

To recap: my country is running a 16/7 Personal Year that began on July 1 last year. She’s in her middle Triad of 11/2, running a personal month transit of 17/8 and a personal day transit of 23/5.

What the hell does all that mean?

A 16/7 year is a Karmic year of restructuring. The 7 pattern starts out as 16, indicating a crisis time. Ketu’s detaching nature can cause political instability, power struggles, or the sudden downfall of leaders. It also supports civil unrest or public discontent with the government, often reflecting power imbalances, whether perceived or actual. A 16/7 personal year for a nation can also support potential divisions or separatist movements within the country.

Canada, are you ok? I may be Canadian, but we don’t get much news about you in the USA besides that long-ass postal strike right before Christmas. Many of you have told me you can’t even see my TheNumerologyLady FB page because you can’t access news outside Canadian news sources. I feel like my country right now is like that girl we all know who we suspect is being abused. She always looks good in public, but she can’t talk about anything because her boyfriend never leaves her alone long enough for her to call up a friend.

Blink twice if you need help, Canada.

Anyway, moving right along. An 11 vibration corresponds to Pluto and carries that same energy within it, so within all that, Karmic 16/7 is a time of sweeping transformation and more than likely a lot of “I didn’t have this on my bingo card” politically. This transit supports and emphasizes political instability, infighting, demonstrations, and rapid changes to outdated systems that need to get packing. The two transits together support the sudden downfall of leaders (although, strictly speaking, if the leader doesn’t suddenly fall over dead from a massive heart attack, the only people who are going to think any downfall is sudden are the members of the public who aren’t part of any inner circle), disruptive issues with trade and just a generally shitty time of complete turnaround. This Triad energy started running on November 1 and will last until the end of February. Canada begins a 21/3 Triad at this point, but we can look at that another day.

The personal day for Canada is 23/5. A person’s chart shows that a 23/5 transit is tremendously lucky. It’s hard to screw it up. You can Mr. Magoo your way through everything and still come out on top. In a country’s or a ruler’s/king’s chart, 23/5 has a different meaning, especially within these bomb-ass transits. Ruled by fixed star Regulus and referred to as the Royal Star of The Lion, a 23/5 day transit within an 11 Triad and a 16/7 Personal Year is a short, sharp transit that knocks over the king and paves the way for new leadership – so get your popcorn ready because the rest of Canada’s year is going to have some interesting political dance steps as everyone’s horns really start to pop out. Interestingly enough, Regulus is part of the constellation of Leo, which in the Kaballah corresponds to 11 and the Strength card.

This shit writes itself, I only pass it on.

Someone remind me about this a month from now so I can review my charts.

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