Random Tarot Exploration: Let’s explore the Ace of Cups!

of Cups

New connections
New feelings
Intimacy and a sense of mystery
Devotion to something beyond oneself

Ah, the Ace of Cups! Surely it means that you’re about to fall in love, right? Maybe, but it does mean so much more. 

This is one of those cards that gets pigeon-holed by most Tarot books as “the love card” – well, a lot of the Cups get that treatment. It isn’t hard to see why, ruled by water and concerning the emotions, the Suit of Cups gets written off as being lovey-dovey or artsy-fartsy. 

We know better, don’t we? Let’s do a deepish dive into one of every Tarot reader’s favorite cards and see where the waters take us. 

The 1st Decan of Cancer: June 21st – July 1st

This is a Minor Arcana card and therefore it corresponds to a decan. Decans are ten-degree slices of each zodiac sign. 

The energy of this decan is concerned with selflessness, compassion, empathy, generosity, and kindness. There is a great desire to be helpful within this decan. 

There is a churning and boiling of the water element in this decan as well. The cup is a cauldron, full of wild emotions that can overflow at any minute. Overwhelming joy and seething rage coexist together in this decan. 

Planetary Associations: Mercury, Cancer, Moon

We don’t think of the Ace of Cups in relation to Mercury but as the first card of the Suit of Cups, it definitely corresponds to the first card of the Major Arcana. The energy of The Magus soars through all of the Aces. 

What this means is that within the Ace of Cups is inquisitiveness, impulsiveness, and the mental quirks that enable creative discovery. This Ace brings news and within the realm of water and Cancer it generally concerns the home, friends, and family. 

Mercury also rules travel and this card can show up when it is time to return to one’s hometown or embark on traveling for domestic affairs. That could look like trips to grandma’s house or even shuttling the kids around to all their lessons and events. 

Mercury analyzes, and so the presence of this card in a reading can also suggest analyzing one’s mood or energy in general. It can also suggest taking a somewhat critical approach to psychic inquiry, such as evidence-based mediumship. It can also look like breaking a creative idea into logical steps so that the abstract is made manifest.  

Mercury is a messenger and as such, all of the aces can hail the arrival of insight or knowledge. This card deals with intuitive activity so sometimes the necessary insight comes through a song on the radio or a string of strange patterns like repeating numbers or constantly running into people wearing red jackets. 

If the Ace of Cups is continually showing itself in your readings AND you know that you’re shuffling the cards well, consider keeping a journal. Make it a daily practice to write down “weird” coincidences, dreams, and insights to see the patterns emerge.

Numerological Associations: 41/5

The Ace of Cups is the Tarot’s 41st card, and this number is important. The 5 pattern is about challenges. Creative forces are at work and this can be a messy, emotional business. A lot of things may show up at once and it can be difficult to sort through everything. Sometimes this card appears when people just shut down emotionally because there can be too much of a good thing. 

Properly managed, this rushing white water experience ban be turned into a lovely glide down the river. Those who can manage changing conditions will have an easier time navigating the currents. 

The individual components of this number are 4 and 1. The 4 pattern is ruled by Rahu (North Node) and the 1 pattern by the Sun. 

What happens under the influence of 41/5? 

If the person in question gives up their power too easily, then they may not be able to wade through the illusions and distractions around them. They can lose touch with reality. They can even become manipulative or rebellious. Laziness and procrastination can result in loss, depression, or even legal issues.

Managed properly, this can be a time of great fame and discovery for someone, provided they don’t create a false aura around themselves. They need to push through the desire to attach emotionally to something and wait to make a decision. 

Let’s look at some of the ways this card can show up in a reading

In general

This is all about newness: new love, new energy, new faces, new everything. There is a desire for intimacy and deeper connections right now. As the cauldron of potential, this ace can signify wanting to dive headfirst into someone or something mysterious and compelling. Generally speaking, happier times are coming shortly, or they have just started.


You’re beginning a new career or you’ve found your dream job. Dare I say this might be your calling? If things are sluggish at work, worry not, for the Ace of Cups is the great cauldron – it will soon be stirred, and things will become interesting again. 


Love at first sight can quickly become infatuation, especially if you’ve only ever met online. This card often shows up in the early stages of a relationship when we are all on our best behavior. Engagements or weddings could also be announced, or a commitment could start to deepen significantly. Things are probably going tickety-boo in the romance department. 


Give your attention over to an opportunity to upgrade your home or buy a new one. Whether renting or buying, your dream neighborhood could suddenly become within reach. You might find yourself saying yes to a new big-ticket item that you’ve always wanted. New creative projects can increase your bottom line.


Your health improves in direct proportion to your mental/emotional outlook. If you’re in therapy, you could be pushing through an issue to get to a better heartspace – the ace presages that this moment is on the horizon. 


Open up to spiritual experience! Be open to what comes your way, even if you don’t fully understand it. By allowing yourself to experience new things, you expand your consciousness and connection to spirit. That being said, you are not obligated to accept everyone or everything, but you should get to know a thing first. 

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