President Biden drops out of the election: let’s look at the numerology

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll know that President Joe Biden announced earlier this week on Sunday that he would not be running for office in the upcoming November elections. This announcement was received with shock-not shocked as many of us in the USA, Republican and Democrat alike, felt that he was too old for this. The formal announcement came one day into the final triad of his current personal year, so let’s look at the numerology surrounding that day.

The President’s personal year

As I have written before, a personal year runs from birthday to birthday and does not align with the calendar year. He is in a 20/2 personal year. This is symbolized by the Judgment card in Tarot. A 20/2 personal year brings shifts in life such as going from employed to retired or student to graduate. This is a number pattern concerned with plans and taking action. The tens (10, 20, 30, etc) all have an element of surprise because anything with a zero on the end of it is not grounded or stable. So when the compound number is a multiple of ten, expect some big changes during the transit.

During a 20/2 personal year, people will find greater happiness stepping away from the spotlight to focus on their private lives. We don’t know exactly when this decision was made, but we can all guess that that discussion occurred in the weeks since his gong show of a debate with Donald Trump. At any rate, the decision was made during the last portion of the second triad of his personal year, so let’s have a little looky-loo at that.

The Triads

The personal year is broken up into three blocks of time, four months each. They are called triads. Their energy is felt a little more directly than the personal year, which is a one-year transit running in the background. The first triad of his personal year had a 7 vibration, symbolized by The Chariot in Tarot. It’s not that important to the discussion here, suffice it to say that a pure 7 vibration is mainly concerned with stepping back, analyzing facts, and considering a plan. It’s a time to take stock and focus on one’s health and welfare. Ruled by Ketu, it’s a strange energy and can reflect some weird behavior in people when the transit occurs. Generally speaking, this transit can reflect a need to return to a protected space and to what is known or comfortable. This transit ran from his birthday last year on November 20th, to March 20th of this year.

His second transit is of more interest because it ran from March 20th to July 20th, so it only ended recently. This transit was under a 14/5 vibration and is symbolized by Temperance in the Tarot. Four numbers in numerology are considered karmic and 14/5 is one of them. Spoiler alert – the last triad of his current personal year is also under the influence of a karmic number! These numbers are not punitive – so many Westerners see karma as a system of punishments when it is not. Karmic numbers in the chart indicate an opportunity to deal with loose ends. Many numerologists see them as exclusively past life issues coming to the fore. I politely disagree. In studying people’s lives over the decades, I have noticed that whenever karmic numbers show themselves, they relate to things going on in the here and now, not during some unknowable past life. It can be said, though, that we continue to repeat these patterns throughout our incarnations until we conquer the challenges associated with them.

A 14/5 karmic number is associated with instability. 14 reduces to 5, which is ruled by Mercury, so this is a mental number. During a 14/5 transit, there can be issues related to mental and emotional instability and frailty. I know that much is made in the press regarding President Biden’s faculties and for those who are wondering, a karmic 14/5 does not cause such problems any more than it causes addictions or frazzled behavior. If such elements are present in life, a karmic 14/5 influence will support and emphasize them. Karmic number transits can shine a spotlight on behaviors or activities we would like to keep out of view.

The announcement that Biden was dropping out of the election was made ONE DAY into his third and final personal year triad. This triad transit runs until November 20 of this year. It is another karmic number, 16/7 symbolized by The Tower in Tarot. This is a number pattern strongly connected to fate. Ruled by Mars, 16 reflects a volatile energy. During this transit, structures fall apart. Whatever is not stable will crumble away. Often people swear during a 16/7 transit that they never saw it coming but hindsight is 20/20. If we look closely, we can see the cracks in the foundation of the tower as well as pinpoint when in the past they began to become prominent. That isn’t hard to do with President Biden as he leads a very public life.

During this transit, whatever is not stable will break apart and fall away. Life gets a great big shake. Upheaval, accidents, and illnesses are supported during this transit. During a 20/2 personal year, life is best managed by stepping back, keeping out of the limelight, and sticking close to home. As we drill down to the total energy of the day of the announcement, we need to take his personal month into consideration as well.

The Personal Month

President Biden’s personal month energy was 27/9. This number pattern is represented by the Ace of Wands in Tarot. This personal month runs from July 20th to August 20th. Any number combination that reduces to 9 is concerned with endings. Within each ending is a new beginning, of course, because all things are cyclical. The energy of the 27 root of this personal month reflects and supports detachment from reality and diving into the past. We won’t know for certain if President Biden will get caught up in thinking about past events unless he brings it up publicly. The number 27 supports encountering people and events that are very fated or karmic in nature. This is happening during a 20/2 personal year and a 16/7 triad so these things are supported in a very dramatic way.

His personal month transit for June 20th to July 20th was a 26/8, symbolized by Page of Wands. The debate that made us all cringe inwardly occurred during this personal month. I will always lobby for 26’s inclusion as a karmic number. Things come home to roost during a 26/8 transit. The 8/Saturn vibration will show us our limitations and where we need to rectify things. The 26 vibration reflects a highly emotional transit. It’s an excellent time to be social with people who care about you and to keep your circle tight. This is also a good time to invest financially into your home or retirement. Its also a time where your actions can come back to bite you if things that need to be dealt with haven’t been reined in.

The Personal Day

The energy at play on the day of the announcement, July 21st, 2024, was 48/3. This vibration is symbolized by the 8 of Cups. Does the President have a numerologist in his pocket? This number vibration supports and reflects the acceptance of harsh realities, limitations, and endings. It reflects extreme results or decisions in both professional and personal lives. Here’s an interesting thing about 48/3: if we reduce it, we must first arrive at the number 12 before finally getting to the number 3. This represents hidden triggers within this particular number transit. As a one-day transit, the energy of 48/3 is felt more sharply than the other numbers even though their energy is there modifying and shaping as well.

Why is the 12 interesting? Well, 12 is the number pattern of sacrifice and is symbolized by The Hanged Man in Tarot. What makes this particular number interesting on this particular personal day for the President, aside from the fact that he did indeed make a great sacrifice, is in his name analysis. I did not share his name numbers here but I will say that the Expression and Destiny of his full name at birth both vibrate to a 12/3. The Expression shows our presenting persona – what the world sees when they look at us. Our Destiny shows what we must do in this lifetime. I have noticed over the years that many of the politicians I have analyzed over the years contain a lot of 3 energy in their core charts.

When the transit number matches one or more placements in the core chart, it is like a ping on that energy. It emphasizes what happens during that transit. This means that the hidden 12 energy within the 48/3 day is a trigger for his Expression and Destiny placements. There are no coincidences and we are never really off the path. To me, looking at this chart, things are unfolding exactly as they should.

While none of this is mundane because Joe Biden is a person and these are his personal chart numbers, he IS the President of the USA so his chart becomes important. His transits are important for the rest of us in this country because he is our current leader. I think he’s doing the right thing. He needs to step back, enjoy retirement, and spend his remaining golden years with his family. It has been clear to me as it has to many people in this country, that the stresses of the most important job in the country are taking their toll.

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