It’s been a day

Its nearly 8pm. I am having coffee. I do not care how late it is.

Let me tell you about my day.

Well, let me just say “Some clients and their energy.”

I did not need to be told that this client was anxious because their energy glommed onto me and I felt like a dog tangled up in the living room drapes. That hasn’t happened to me in a long time. I’m getting slack in my old age.


I’m quite pleased with the reading, though.

Another day done!

For shits and giggles, instead of sharing Day 29 of my Tarot cards staring at me like Professor McGonagall, here’s a Coffee Tarot reading I did for someone that was rather funny.

7 responses to “It’s been a day”

  1. lavenderlightworker Avatar
    1. maritimemystic Avatar
  2. Angela Fretwell Avatar
    Angela Fretwell
  3. angelsloveyou Avatar
    1. maritimemystic Avatar
  4. elle Avatar
    1. maritimemystic Avatar

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