So I finished the 21 Days of Abundance program. I’ll be honest, I did it at first because my friend was making a group and I wanted to be nice and support her. I’ve always been suspicious of this stuff because I associate New Age activities with things like spiritual bypassing, companies that sell shake mix and essential oils, and suburban white women who name their kids after states and countries. I realize some of you may think that’s funny – someone with a blog like this raising an eyebrow – but most old school witches and conjurers are not New Agers even if the general public doesn’t see a distinction
But I found that as the days passed that I was looking forward to the posts. I never liked meditation and while I am by no means an expert, after 21 days I am getting better at controlling the chatter in my head. I quite enjoyed Deepak’s lilting voice guiding me through my mantras.
I used to be one of those folks that seemed to be able to manifest whatever they wanted and somewhere along the way it stopped working. However, after 21 days of daily meditations and exercises, I feel like it’s coming back. While I was working this program, I found a job that I love, I picked up some new clients for readings, and I started some blog posts that are turning into ebooks.
I also started mediumship training, something that I’m excited about. I’ve been aware of, and in touch with, spirits for as far back as I can remember. In spite of all these years as a working witch, I’ve never bothered to cultivate this skill as much as I could. In all honesty, it’s mostly because not all the dead are sunshine and puppies. Some of them are assholes even across the veil so I’ve always given them a wide berth. I’ve got a collection of cautionary tales from my aunties’ exploits to keep me from diving too deeply into that part of witchery.
I lost 10lbs!! I don’t know if there’s a correlation between abundance training and weight loss, but I did start eating a lot better while I was doing this.
Anyway, that’s my experience. If anyone out there actually reads my ramblings and they’ve done this program, leave a comment and tell me how it was for you!
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